Category: Java Outsourcing Company


Application failures are a certain part of their development. Every developer has faced some errors that crop up as we move forwards. But wouldn’t it be better if the abnormal were detected in real-time and you were warned? Even better, if you could find out what went wrong and where? Luckily, Java Developers from India have quite a few abnormal tools that can help course true in time.

Top Five Java Anomaly Detection Tools

1) X-Pack

An extension of Elastic Stack, X-Pack is necessarily a security characteristic. It works by monitoring logs for data. It monitors, alerts, and reports on the behavior of the logs. It uses machine learning algorithms to monitor log behavior and flag any unusual behavior. The X-Pack also has graph capabilities, using metrics to illustrate user behavior.

It creates a basic behavior pattern by studying data from Elasticsearch logs. The logs are, in turn, culled from servers and applications. The data shows us trends and usage patterns. Any deviation from the pattern helps predict the onset of a problem.

X-Pac is also fantastic easy to install. With Elasticsearch 5.0.0, whenever you install X-Pack, you automatically get access to Watcher, Marvel, and Shieldplugins. Moreover, you also do not have to worry about the plugin version, since it now comes with the X-Pac. With a default detection feature, X-Pac has also tightened user authority. Keep in mind that X-Pac is necessarily an ELK tool and is well-integrated in its architecture. However, it is not as effective if you are out of ELK.

2) Loom Systems

Powered by AI, Loom Systems use log analysis to compare and predict issues that can crop up in the development of an application. It automatically takes logs from applications and breaks them down according to different fields. The parsing of any streamed log is automatic. The AI function then compares the events between different applications, exposing any issues and helping in the prediction of anomalies.

The data is examined according to the field type. The advantage of Loom Systems is its usage of AI to pinpoint the root cause in real-time, allowing you to take corrective action in time. It uses the organizational database to explain the anomaly and provide you with recommended solutions. The Loom also ensures that the baseline remains dynamic, changing as the standard user behavior changes.

The Loom system has many positives – its dynamic baseline that evolves with time, a superior analytic component that exposes flaws and makes us understand why it occurred, and its ability to provide you with an effective solution.

Must Read: Spring Micro-Services in Java

3) OverOps

So far we have only seen tools that detect errors in the log. But what you really need is the source of the error and what caused it. The answer lies in OverOps. Instead of logs, it focuses on the source code and the variable state that causes the error.

The OverOps scores because it is the only tool that focuses on code. It detects when and where a code breaks during the production process. Thus, it gives us a complete picture of the anomaly, helping us to pinpoint the instance it occurred in the code deployment.

It is also pretty easy to install, taking no time in SaaS, Hybrid, and On-premises. It can be hosted as a SaaS application, or deployed on-premises. You may even choose it simply for its uber-cool dashboard. It works with StatsD compliant tools for visualization of anomaly detection.

Working with the JVM, OverOps extracts data from the applications. It compares the variable state with the JVM metrics, showing application errors. OverOps also has a collaborative add-on, providing links for errors in the logs as well. The link takes you to the very cause of the error with the source code.

4) Coralogix

Coralogix uses AI to show segregate the logs into patterns and show their flow, giving us an insight in real-time. While mapping the production flow, Coralogix can instantly detect the moment an issue occurs, giving us precise insight.

Showing the original pattern in the log data also helps in the analysis of Big Data. It works on the assumption that most logs show similar patterns. The process brings out the big anomalies and not every small issue.

5) Anodot

Anodot uses AI to uncover blind spots. It uses patented machine learning algorithms to deliver BI. The company boasts of revolutionary BI that uses your metrics and applies machine learning to analyze the data. Anomalies are detected instantly and an alert is triggered.


Java is doubtlessly one of the top-most programming languages in the world. Despite its beginning as a program for set-top boxes, it remains one of the most widely used languages. It is not just preferred by programmers and coders, it is also a popular language when it comes to teaching programming languages in schools and universities.

But Java also comes with too much of myths and misconceptions. Some of it is inevitable with a popular language where murmurs on its features and efficiency become Chinese whispers. But some also stock from its beginning as a simple language that looked too good to be true. Its creator’s bold announcement of “write once, run anywhere” was considered a bit too revolutionary.

Although Java has come far since its starting – now with Java 9, the misunderstanding surrounding it is still quite prevalent. This is despite the fact that many programmers chose to keep working on Java and you can easily hire java developers for enterprise application development.

Let’s check some of these myths:

Java is dead

We’ll call this is the strangest myths regarding Java that refuses to die down despite the fact that rates among the top programming languages used across the world. Don’t take our word for it. Check out the RedMonk Programming Language Ranking the TIOBE index which has repeatedly found Java among the topmost popular languages. Java remains alive and thriving.

Read Also: Java Developers Are Available For Hiring In Most Offshore Development Companies

Java is slow

This one has some basis in truth and it stems from the JVM or the Java Virtual Machine. One of Java’s USPs was “write once, run anywhere”. But this depended on the JVM that gave it the cross-platform portability. But JVM also meant an additional infrastructure layer, which would obviously slow down the entire process. In addition, some early JVMs were actually pretty slow.

But the scenario is quite different now. The new JVMs are quite fast. The speed of our hardware also means that the delay is negligible. It may matter in applications where every second counts, but for most applications, Java’s speed is a complete non-issue.

Java suffers no memory leaks

When we compare it with C and C++, Java seems pretty foolproof against memory leaks. In the other two languages memory leaks can occur anytime there is an error in allocating the location. Since this is done by the programmer, simple human error makes the possibility of a memory leak ever-present. Java removes the human factor by automating memory management. The garbage collector later does the clean-up for objects with no references.

However, the clean-up depends on the reference and if a reference remains, the garbage collector will skip it. In effect, this will be the same as a memory leak. Finally, it will run out of free memory. So, though it may have better memory management, a programmer can’t provide to ignore cleaning-up.

Java cannot be embedded because it’s too big

It started with 20 class libraries and now Java 9 has more than 6000! These are critical support bases since Java cannot depend on a specific platform-based library. For Java developers, the libraries are especially handy since there is little need to take support of a third party. But it did make Java’s size very big. Full JRE took as much as 40MB of storage space.

But Java has addressed this issue actively in its last few versions. Java 8 introduced solid profiles, the smallest of which would need just 10 MB. Java 9 has created a modular format so that one can pick and choose what one wants, restraining the size.

Java is not secure

This idea gained traction when an idea was floated that an applet can easily access a hard drive. With this came scares of corruption and even erasures. But, in truth Java security is not that light. An applet cannot access the system with impunity. There are checks and balances to prevent this. A digitally signed applet will trigger warning systems in the OS, asking the user if they acknowledge it.


Java has been around long sufficient to develop its own mythology. From the sole language that can fix it all to its features and functionality, there are obviously many myths associated with Java. While some may have come from earlier versions, others are just not true.

Does Your Outsourcing Java Development Vendor Know About Heroku?

Just in case you are a server admin or an enterprise java developer who develops, deploys, and operates applications on traditional Java EE application servers, this article fits best for you.

In this article, we will describe how you can develop and deploy Java apps on Heroku. If you are an organization that is searching for a vendor to outsource java development, you must learn the basics of Heroku for your good.

Heroku is a platform that is specifically intended for the development and deployment of applications. This platform is different from the conventional software delivery process that involves the following steps-

  • Development
  • Packaging
  • Distribution
  • Installation
  • Deployment

Heroku is used by companies that develop, deploy, and operate an app with a team or a few teams. There is no such requirement of packaging, distribution, or installation of elements as the code never leaves the team. The platform is more agile and once you consider it, you can easily decide how to make the best use of Heroku as a deployment platform.

Version Control – The Central Distribution Mechanism     

There is no reason to design a package of your code that can be used by outside parties. Users can simply choose the artifacts for the app. The runtime will execute your application directly from the file structure that is developed by the build process.

Deployment Is An Automated Pipeline Process

As the end-to-end lifecycle of the software is regulated by a single team or company, users can leverage standard build automation tools and version control to partially or fully automate the process of delivery.

The build system usually derives automation for the project that is assisted by tools, such as continuous integration servers.

How Do Apps Use Java EE Apis In The Absence Of Container?

Here are a few tricks to using Java EE APIs without a container:

  • You can write Servlets and JSPs by simply using Jetty Library or Tomcat.
  • You can take the help of JSF and other rendering frameworks using MyFaces or Mojarra.
  • You can use JDBC to link to databases

If you want to outsource professional Java development services from an IT company, make sure its experts or java programmers should know about the Heroku platform and its uses.

Related Article:

Developing A 3-Tier App With Java EE Development -A Secure Decision

Why You Should Outsource Your Java Development Work

Spring Data Rest – Repositories

Professionals of Java outsourcing company are sharing this post with an intention to make you learn about Spring Data Rest and repositories. You will also learn about the customization methods used for Spring Data Rest.

Technology: Spring Data Rest is the framework on top of Spring Data Framework for producing the Rest API. It uses Spring MVC and Spring Data frameworks to export all functionalities through Rest API and integrates the resources with hyper media-based functionality using Spring Hateos automatically.

Getting Started:

Spring Data Rest is implemented as a plugin for Spring-based applications, we can easily integrate this with spring.


Integrating with Spring Boot Applications:

  • Maven Dependency:
  • Gradle Dependency:

Integrating with Spring MVC applications:

  • Gradle Dependency:
Compile ("")
  • Maven Dependency:

Configuring Spring Data Rest:

Spring Data Rest provides RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration configuration java file which will contain all beans required for Spring Data Rest.

We need to import RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration class to our application configuration so that Spring Data Rest will bootstrap.

This step is not needed if we are using Spring Boot’s auto-configuration.

Spring Boot will automatically enable Spring Data REST if we include spring-boot-starter-data-rest and either in the list of dependencies, and application is flagged with either @SpringBootApplication or @EnableAutoConfiguration.

We can also customize the Spring Data Rest default behavior in two ways:

  • We can implement RepositoryRestConfigurer
  • We can extend the RepositoryRestConfigurerAdapter It is one of the empty implementations of the RepositoryRestConfigurer interface. And we can override the methods for our customization.

The list of methods available in the RepositoryRestConfigurer interface:

public interface RepositoryRestConfigurer {
            void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration(RepositoryRestConfiguration config);
            void configureConversionService(ConfigurableConversionService conversionService);
            void configureValidatingRepositoryEventListener(ValidatingRepositoryEventListener validatingListener);
            void configureExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver(ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver exceptionResolver);
            void configureHttpMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> messageConverters);
            void configureJacksonObjectMapper(ObjectMapper objectMapper);

Using configureRepositoryRestConfiguration we can override the baseUri, pageSize, maxPagesize, and pageParamName,sortParamName,limitParamName,and defaultMediaType.

Using this also we can configure

1)returnBodyOnCreate: if the object is created do we need to send the created object in response body or not. If this property is true then it will send the created object in response body otherwise it will not.

2) returnBodyOnUpdate: If the object is updated do we need to send the updated object in response body or not. If this property is true then it will send the updated object in the response body otherwise it will not.

3)useHalAsDefaultJsonMediaType: we need HAL(Hypermedia Links) to response or not.

configureConversionService: It will override with this Spring Default conversion service factory, if we added any new conversion services, for matters we can add to ConfigurableConversionService class.

configureValidatingRepositoryEventListener: we can configure the validator manually, for each type of event we can add the validator.

While saving the entity Spring Data will raise beforeSave, after saving events, what are the different validators we need to invoke for each event?

configureExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver: The default exception resolver on which we can add custom argument resolvers.

configureHttpMessageConverters: we can configure all HTTP Message Converters.

configureJacksonObjectMapper: we can customize the object mapper. Object Mapper to be used by the system.

Spring Data REST uses a RepositoryDetectionStrategy to determine if a repository will be exported as a REST resource or not. The following strategies

(enumeration values of RepositoryDiscoveryStrategies) are available:

DEFAULTExposes all public repository interfaces but considers @(Repository)RestResource’s exported flag.
ALLExposes all repositories independently of type visibility and annotations.
ANNOTATIONOnly repositories annotated with @(Repository)RestResource are exposed, unless their exported flag is set to false.
VISIBILITYOnly public repositories annotated are exposed.

Customizing the base URI:

  • spring data rest provides RepositoryRestProperties class, using this we can customize the properties.


  • We can create a configuration class extending RepositoryRestConfigurerAdapter
Public class RepositoryRestConfigurer extends RepositoryRestConfigurerAdapter {
      Public void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration(RepositoryRestConfiguration config) {  

Resource discoverability: The main advantage of HATEOAS is that resources should be discoverable through the publication of links that point to the available resources.

HATE OS has some standards to show how to represent links in JSON format; by default, Spring Data Rest uses HAL to render its responses. Resource Discovery will start from the root, we can extract the links the from root response and every child resource link can be found from their parent.

We can use the curl command to get the resource links:

After the server starts, we can hit the command curl -v http://localhost:8080 it will show all possible children to it.

Sample response will be:

* Rebuilt URL to: http://localhost:8080/
*   Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost: 8080
> User-Agent: curl/7.50.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
< Content-Type: application/hal+json; charset=UTF-8
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 17:17:59 GMT
  "_links”: {
    "people”: {
      "Href”: "http://localhost:8080/people{?page,size,sort}",
      "templated”: true
    "profile”: {
      "Href" : "http://localhost:8080/profile"
}* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

Creating Spring Data Rest applications:

We require to create a model class and mark it as an entity.

Import javax.persistence.Entity;
Import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
Import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
Import javax.persistence.Id; 
public class Person 
      @GeneratedValue (strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
      privatelong id
      private String firstName;
      Private String lastName;
      public String getFirstName() 
      Public void setFirstName (String firstName) {
            this.firstName = firstName;
      public String getLastName() {
      public void setLastName(String lastName) {
            this.lastName = lastName;

And we can use PagingAndSortingRepository which is provided by Spring Data, it will provide all the methods not only for CRUD operations and also for pagination support.

Spring Data rest provides @RepositoryRestResource annotation which will expose all public methods which are marked with exported=true are exported as Rest API endpoints.

Creating Spring Data Rest Repositories:

Import java.util.List;
@RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "people", path = "people")
publicinterface PersonRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Person, Long> {
      public List<Person> findByLastName(@Param("name") String name);

RepositoryRestResource annotation will create endpoints for all the CRUD and as well as paging and sorting endpoints.

Creating the Main class for Spring Boot:

public class Application {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
  , args);

1) GET: to get the data for the entity.

2) POST: saving the entity.

3) PUT: updating the entity.

4) DELETE: deleting the entity.

If we run the application and when we run the curl command for people:

E:\curl>curl -v http://localhost:8080/people
*   Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0)
> GET /people HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost: 8080
> User-Agent: curl/7.50.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
< Content-Type: application/hal+json;charset=UTF-8
<Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 17:35:28 GMT
  "_embedded" : {
    "people" : [ ]
  "_links”: {
    "self”: {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/people"
    "profile" : {
      "href”: "http://localhost:8080/profile/people"
    "search" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/people/search"
  "page" : {
    "size" : 20,
    "totalElements" : 0,
    "totalPages" : 0,
    "number" : 0
}* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

Creating a Person record:

We can create a record either using the curl command or we can use postman to create a record using the POST method with http://localhost:8080/people.

curl -i -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d ‘{ “firstName” : “sravan”, “lastName” : “Kumar” }’ http://localhost:8080/people

Response from endpoint:
  “firstName”: “sravan”,
  “lastName”: “kumar”,
  “_links”: {
    “self”: {
      “href”: “http://localhost:8080/people/1&#8221;
    “person”: {
      “href”: “http://localhost:8080/people/1&#8221;
Response headers:
Location →http://localhost:8080/people/1

The response will depend upon the returnBodyOnCreate property.

The location header will give the URL to generated record.

The query for all records:

We can use the same URL 
http://localhost:8080/people GET method to get the data.
The response will look like this:
  “_embedded”: {
    “people”: [
        “firstName”: “sravan”,
        “lastName”: “kumar”,
        “_links”: {
          “self”: {
            “href”: “http://localhost:8080/people/1&#8221;
          “person”: {
            “href”: “http://localhost:8080/people/1&#8221;
  “_links”: {
    “self”: {
      “href”: “http://localhost:8080/people&#8221;
    “profile”: {
      “href”: “http://localhost:8080/profile/people&#8221;
    “search”: {
      “href”: “http://localhost:8080/people/search&#8221;
  “page”: {
    “size”: 20,
    “totalElements”: 1,
    “totalPages”: 1,
    “number”: 0
To get the individual records: use the GET method of http://localhost:8080/people/1
The response will look like this:
  “firstName”: “sravan”,
  “lastName”: “kumar”,
  “_links”: {
    “self”: {
      “href”: “http://localhost:8080/people/1&#8221;
    “person”: {
      “href”: “http://localhost:8080/people/1&#8221;
Searching for entity:

Listing all possible search endpoints:
GET method of http://localhost:8080/people/search
It will show the all possible methods that we specified in Repository Resource.

Sample response will look like this:
  “_links”: {
    “findByLastName”: {
      “href”: “http://localhost:8080/people/search/findByLastName{?name}”,
      “Templated”: true
    “self”: {
      “href”: “http://localhost:8080/people/search&#8221;
In PersonRepository class we only specified one method to the records, so the response will contain only the search method.

Searching for entities using findByLastName endpoint:
Ex: http://localhost:8080/people/search/findByLastName?name=kumar

If we remembered the method argument for findByLastName we have a specified name argument that is annotated with @Param, which means for executing this method it needs a name parameter.

The Response will look like this:
  “_embedded”: {
    “People”: [
        “firstName”: “sravan”,
        “lastName”: “kumar”,
        “_links”: {
          “self”: {
            “href”: “http://localhost:8080/people/1&#8221;
          “person”: {
            “href”: “http://localhost:8080/people/1&#8221;
  “_links”: {
    “self”: {
      “href”: “http://localhost:8080/people/search/findByLastName?name=kumar&#8221;
Updating an entity:
PUT method: http://localhost:8080/people/1
We can pass the JSON as a request body it will update the record.
Sample request body:
{  “firstName” : “sravan1”,  “lastName” : “kumar1” }
Sample response will look like this:
  “firstName”: “sravan1”,
  “lastName”: “kumar1”,
  “_links”: {
    “self”: {
      “href”: “http://localhost:8080/people/1&#8221;
    “person”: {
      “href”: “http://localhost:8080/people/1&#8221;
Deleting the record:
DELETE method for http://localhost:8080/people/1
It will delete the record.

Using Spring Data Rest, repositories can be exposed as rest services. By writing entity class and repository interface, all CRUD and search paging and sorted related endpoints will be generated by Spring Data Rest without writing any code.

Spring Data Rest uses HAL (hypermedia links) to render their response.

Hope the experts of the java outsourcing company have made you clear about the concept of Spring Data Rest. If you want to ask anything related to the subject, mention it in your comments and wait for their response.

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