Tag: Java EE

Does Your Outsourcing Java Development Vendor Know About Heroku?

Just in case you are a server admin or an enterprise java developer who develops, deploys, and operates applications on traditional Java EE application servers, this article fits best for you.

In this article, we will describe how you can develop and deploy Java apps on Heroku. If you are an organization that is searching for a vendor to outsource java development, you must learn the basics of Heroku for your good.

Heroku is a platform that is specifically intended for the development and deployment of applications. This platform is different from the conventional software delivery process that involves the following steps-

  • Development
  • Packaging
  • Distribution
  • Installation
  • Deployment

Heroku is used by companies that develop, deploy, and operate an app with a team or a few teams. There is no such requirement of packaging, distribution, or installation of elements as the code never leaves the team. The platform is more agile and once you consider it, you can easily decide how to make the best use of Heroku as a deployment platform.

Version Control – The Central Distribution Mechanism     

There is no reason to design a package of your code that can be used by outside parties. Users can simply choose the artifacts for the app. The runtime will execute your application directly from the file structure that is developed by the build process.

Deployment Is An Automated Pipeline Process

As the end-to-end lifecycle of the software is regulated by a single team or company, users can leverage standard build automation tools and version control to partially or fully automate the process of delivery.

The build system usually derives automation for the project that is assisted by tools, such as continuous integration servers.

How Do Apps Use Java EE Apis In The Absence Of Container?

Here are a few tricks to using Java EE APIs without a container:

  • You can write Servlets and JSPs by simply using Jetty Library or Tomcat.
  • You can take the help of JSF and other rendering frameworks using MyFaces or Mojarra.
  • You can use JDBC to link to databases

If you want to outsource professional Java development services from an IT company, make sure its experts or java programmers should know about the Heroku platform and its uses.

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